Alan Leveritt
Arkansas Times

Alan Leveritt is the publisher of the Arkansas Times Magazine, which he founded in 1974. He is a plaintiff in the ACLU’s legal challenge to an Arkansas state law that requires government contractors to pledge not to boycott Israel or reduce their fees by 20 percent. A cert petition, in that case, is currently pending before the Supreme Court.
The Arkansas Times has reinvented itself several times over the decades, first as a state-wide magazine until 1991, when the liberal Arkansas Gazette was shuttered in a newspaper war. Leveritt hired the senior editorial staff of the Gazette and took the monthly to an alternative weekly format. In 2019, facing declining advertising as a weekly, the Times changed again, this time to a city magazine format. That has worked well with restored advertiser interest. Leveritt lives in his great-grandfather’s old log house on this family’s home place where he has farmed for 25 years.