
Policy Fellow

The Knight Institute seeks a policy fellow. Reporting to the policy director, the policy fellow will research and analyze legislation, regulatory proposals, reports, and other policy initiatives; draft legislative language; formulate public policy positions for the Institute and aid in the development of advocacy strategies to further these positions; support the Institute’s involvement in policy debates and discussions; and engage with coalition partners and others on behalf of the Institute. (Read more)

Communications Coordinator

The Knight Institute seeks a communications coordinator. Reporting to the communications director, the communications coordinator will carry out a broad range of communications and operational responsibilities, including maintaining the Institute’s communications databases, helping to plan and execute events both inside and outside the university, and coordinating and contributing to a range of research and communications projects, including publications and multimedia productions. (Read more)

Visiting Scholars

Visiting Research Scholars

The Knight Institute welcomes proposals on a rolling basis from scholars interested in collaborating with the Institute on substantial projects relating to the Institute’s mandate. (Read more)


Every year, the Knight Institute brings on interns, legal fellows, and Columbia Law School externs to work with us for defined periods of time. For a brief description of each of these positions along with an overview of our schedule for hiring them read more here.

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