Amy Kapczynski
Knight Institute Senior Visiting Research Scholar, 2019-2020; Yale Law School

Amy Kapczynski is a professor of law at Yale Law School. She is the author of numerous journal articles and essays, including “The Lochnerized First Amendment and the FDA: Toward a More Democratic Political Economy,” which was published online by the Columbia Law Review in connection with the Knight Institute’s 2018 symposium, “A First Amendment for All? Free Expression in an Age of Inequality.” She co-directs Yale University’s Global Health Justice Partnership, the Collaboration for Research Integrity and Transparency, and the Law and Political Economy Project. In 2017, she co-founded the Law and Political Economy blog, which grew out of her seminar of the same name. Prior to joining the Yale faculty in 2012, Kapczynski taught at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law. She also served as a law clerk to Justices Sandra Day O'Connor and Stephen G. Breyer at the U.S. Supreme Court, and to Judge Guido Calabresi on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. She was a senior visiting research scholar at the Knight First Amendment Institute in 2019-2020.
Selected Projects
Data and Democracy
A Knight Institute and Law and Political Economy Project essay series considering how big data is changing our system of self-government

Selected Projects
Data and Democracy
A Knight Institute and Law and Political Economy Project essay series considering how big data is changing our system of self-government
Selected Events
Data and Democracy
A symposium considering how big data is changing our system of self-government
Writings & Appearances
Deep Dive
Freedom From the Marketplace of Speech
Four ways to render speech less susceptible to private coercion
Essays and Scholarship
Data and Democracy: An Introduction
Questions of data regulation are at the heart of democratic practice today, from issues of secrecy to the use of data to constitute democratic institutions themselves