Carrie Goldberg

Carrie Goldberg is a victims’ rights attorney and the founder of C.A. Goldberg, PLLC law firm. The firm does groundbreaking work nationally fighting for targets of sexual violence—online and off. Goldberg’s landmark cases include Herrick v. Grindr, which introduced the novel legal approach of applying product liability law to dangerous tech products and K.M. v. City of New York, which is the highest known recovery in a Title IX case in NYC. The firm has also represented many individuals sued for defamation for outing sexual predators. Goldberg is the author of Nobody’s Victim: Fighting Psychos, Stalkers, Pervs & Trolls, a 2019 NYT Editor’s Choice. In 2020, she received the Domestic Violence Legal Empowerment and Appeals Project Joan Meier Founder’s Award for her work transforming the legal landscape for domestic violence survivors. As one committee member wrote, “Carrie Goldberg’s cutting-edge legal efforts to protect survivors, improve the law, and empower victims deems her a most deserving recipient of this high honor.” Goldberg was also the recipient of 2017’s Privacy Champion Award from Electronic Privacy Information Center. Prior to opening her firm in 2014, Goldberg was the associate director of legal services at The Vera Institute of Justice's Guardianship Project and was a case manager for Nazi victims and Holocaust survivors with Selfhelp Community Services in Manhattan.

Writings & Appearances
Deep Dive
The Media will be All Right
A plaintiff’s lawyer’s lament on how anti-SLAPP will be an obstacle for defendants with or without Sullivan