Dugan Meyer
University of Arizona

Dugan Meyer is a geographer and photographer based in Tucson, Arizona. His work focuses on critical geographic approaches to (in)security in and around the United States. He is especially interested in the infrastructural dimensions of police power, particularly the capacity of policing—as a spatial technology—to produce and shape social landscapes in a variety of contexts, from border regimes to housing markets to a range of affective economies. He is currently a PhD student in the School of Geography, Development & Environment at the University of Arizona.
“Infrastructures of Control,” a collaboration with Colter Thomas, is part of a larger, ongoing visual research agenda focusing on security infrastructure. As part of this work, Meyer collaborates with other researchers, journalists, activists, and artists. He makes photographs, archival material, and research support available to others whenever possible. For links to other work and contact information, see www.duganmeyer.com.