Evelyn Douek
Knight Institute Senior Research Fellow 2021-2022; Stanford Law School

Evelyn Douek is an assistant professor of law at Stanford Law School and was a senior research fellow at the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University from 2021-22. Her scholarship focuses on online speech regulation, content moderation, and platform governance. Her research has appeared or is forthcoming in numerous outlets, including the Harvard Law Review, Columbia Law Review, the University of Chicago Law Review Online, The Atlantic, and Slate. She hosts a podcast about content moderation called “Moderated Content” and hosted the first season of the Knight Institute's podcast, “Views on First.” She holds a doctorate from Harvard Law School on private and public regulation of online speech, and clerked for Justice Susan Kiefel of the High Court of Australia.
Featured on episode seven of “Views on First: War & Speech.”
Selected Projects
Views on First
What happens when social media collides with the First Amendment?

Selected Projects
Views on First
What happens when social media collides with the First Amendment?
Writings & Appearances
Deep Dive
Title VI as a Jawbone
The fact that Title VI has come to possess such importance when it comes to regulating protest and political expression on campus raises significant First Amendment questions
Deep Dive
Rereading “Editorial Discretion”
Despite what the Fifth Circuit recently suggested, “editorial discretion” is most definitely a whole thing
Deep Dive
Rereading Bluman v. Federal Election Commission
Foreigners have interesting and important things to say too