Georgina Born

University College London

Georgina Born

Georgina Born FBA OBE is a professor of anthropology and music in the Department of Anthropology, University College London. From 2010-21, she was professor of music and anthropology in the Faculty of Music, University of Oxford, and from 2006-10, she was professor of sociology, anthropology and music at the University of Cambridge. Earlier, she had a professional life as a musician in experimental rock, jazz, and improvised music. She has held visiting professorships as follows: Bloch professor, UC, Berkeley Department of Music (2014); Schulich distinguished visiting professor in music, McGill University (2015); visiting professor jointly in the schools of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences at UC, Irvine (2019-22); professor II at the University of Oslo, Department of Musicology (2014-19); visiting professor, Aarhus University, School of Communication and Culture (2017); Marie Curie senior research fellow at the Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (2018-19); and distinguished global scholar, Department of Music, Princeton University (2020-22).

Georgina Born

Writings & Appearances