Saira Hussain
Electronic Frontier Foundation

Saira Hussain is a senior staff attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation focusing on litigation at the intersection of racial and immigrant justice, government surveillance, and technology. She has represented U.S. travelers challenging border searches of their smartphones and other electronic devices; protesters for racial justice challenging police's live camera monitoring of their movement; Asian community leaders challenging a utility company and police’s dragnet surveillance of customers' energy usage data; immigrant rights advocates challenging California law enforcement’s out-of-state sharing of automated license plate reader data, including with ICE; and academic researchers challenging the California prison system's withholding of race data. Hussain previously served as a staff attorney in the Criminal Justice Reform Program at Advancing Justice - Asian Law Caucus (ALC), which she first joined as a Berkeley Law Public Interest Fellow in the Immigrant Rights’ Program. Hussain holds a bachelor’s degree and a law degree from UC Berkeley.