Welcome to the Knight Institute’s new blog! We hope that these pages will help you more easily track news and ideas around our efforts to defend the freedoms of speech and the press in the digital age.
We’ll be publishing blog posts in several different forms. Quick Takes feature brief updates about lawsuits, policy changes, and news stories relevant to our work. Institute Updates offer a behind-the-scenes look at what we do, with announcements of Institute initiatives, upcoming events, and staff changes, to name a few. And Deep Dives provide longer thought pieces that present our perspective on emerging First Amendment questions.
Our blog also includes thematic “channels” designed to highlight ongoing conversations. The “Public Officials and Social Media” channel, for instance, collects posts focused on ensuring the basic principle: Once public officials open up an online space for expressive activity to the public at large, the First Amendment prohibits them from excluding speakers on the basis of viewpoint. And the “Toward a Better Internet” channel brings together posts that explore the creation of a civic-minded digital media that facilitates public discourse, respects individual privacy, and fosters democratic processes. Stay tuned for additional blog channels in the coming weeks.
We hope you’ll take a moment to look around our new blog. Then check back regularly or follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn to read the latest posts.