Reading Room Document
Authority to print posters and fliers designed to encourage voting
In this memo, the OLC explored the authority of several agencies to use agency funds to print posters and fliers designed to encourage voting rights. The Post Office was willing to cooperate by hanging the posters and fliers and paying for the transportation of the posters and flyers but did not have the statutory authority to use its funds to pay for the posters and fliers relating to voter registration and elections. The OLC pointed out that the federal statutes that govern printing do not support “the conduct of a publicity campaign” led by the executive branch without express statutory authority. Ultimately, the OLC concluded that it might be feasible to use funds from the National Conference on Citizenship, because promoting registration and voting fell within the object of the agency.
The OLC's Opinions
Opinions published by the OLC, including those released in response to our FOIA lawsuit