Reading Room Document
The President's Authority to Order Export of Special Nuclear Material Under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954
The President has the power to order exports of special nuclear material under § 126 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, whenever he determines that "withholding the proposed export would be seriously prejudicial to the achievement of United States non-proliferation objectives, or would otherwise jeopardize the common defense and security." The full-scope safeguards criterion of § 128, which applies to exports of special nuclear material to non-nuclear weapon states, is binding only on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. While the President may take into account the expression of congressional policy contained in § 128 in deciding to order an export under § 126, including its affordance of a grace period, he is not bound by it. The OLC does not provide release dates for its opinions, so the release date listed is the date on which the opinion was authored. The original opinion is available at
The OLC's Opinions
Opinions published by the OLC, including those released in response to our FOIA lawsuit