Gregory Magarian
Gregory P. Magarian is the Thomas and Karole Green Professor of law at Washington University School of Law in St. Louis. He teaches and writes about U.S. constitutional law, with emphasis on the freedom of expression. His first book, Managed Speech: The Roberts Court’s First Amendment, was published in 2017 by Oxford University Press. His work also examines church and state, firearms regulation, and regulations of the political process. He has published widely in leading law journals, made numerous scholarly presentations, and taught and lectured at universities around the world. Professor Magarian served as a judicial clerk for Justice John Paul Stevens of the U.S. Supreme Court and Judge Louis Oberdorfer of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. He practiced law at Jenner and Block in Washington, D.C. and taught at Villanova University before joining the Washington University faculty in 2008.
Deep Dive : The Future of Press Freedom: Scholars Series, Press Freedom
Political Tensions and the Democratic Press
Advocates for press freedom must confront the objectivity-subjectivity and institutionalism-populism divides.
By Gregory Magarian